The Apostolic Lighthouse Church

Paragould, Arkansas

Ephesians 4:11-12

(11)And He gave some, Apostles; and some, Prophets; and some, Evangelists; and some, Pastors and Teachers.

(12)for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.

Our Story

In 1972 Elder Rudy and Sis. Marshia Thrasher felt led to start an Apostolic Church in Paragould Arkansas.

Elder Thrasher had their first service on Court Street in down town Paragould, and at that time the name of the church was Apostolic Tabernacle, their first service was held April 1, 1972. According to Elder Rudy Thrasher there was around 18-20 people in the first service at Apostolic Tabernacle!

After a while Pastor Thrasher and the Congregation of Apostolic Tabernacle had to move out on Highway 49 in an old pizza building (which is no longer there). Close to where Walgreens is located now. The building that now sits on the old property has been turned into a Veterinary Clinic. As time moved on, Pastor Thrasher and the Congregation had to move over on the east side of town where Pastor Thrasher Built a new church behind an old one room church house over on what was then called Otis Street. The 911 Code Change, changed Otis Street to what is now called 12th Ave, sometime in the 80’s. The Apostolic Tabernacle Church kept growing, God was moving and the church had to buy some more property to be able to build a new building and school. God made a way! They were able to purchase an old cow pasture from Sis. Everett a dear Saint in the Church.

In 1986 Pastor Thrasher felt his time in Paragould as Pastor at the Apostolic Tabernacle was finished.

God called Elder Paul and Sis. Sue Carroll to be the Pastor and First Lady of Apostolic Tabernacle on 100 Apostolic Drive in Paragould Arkansas! Pastor Rudy and Sis. Marishia Thrasher pastored from 1972-1986 and then returned to pastor from 2010-2014

  • Elder Rudy Thrasher August 15, 1950 - October 17, 2017

  • Sis. Marshia Thrasher is a member of Souls Harbor Church in Shelburn, Indiana

Elder Paul and Sis. Sue Carroll

Pastor and Sis. Carroll pastored the Apostolic Tabernacle and revival Broke Out!! The Church on 100 Apostolic Drive grew so much that they had to start raising money for a new building.. Pastor Carroll felt it was Gods will for the Church to move out on the Highway 49 so People could more easily access and find the Church. The church raised money and built the current church building we are in now at 3008 Linwood Drive. While the Church was being built God put it on Pastor Carroll’s heart to build a life size lighthouse outside the Church, so that The Lighthouse could be a land mark for the City of Paragould. They held their first service in the new building out on the highway in January of 1995. Pastor Carroll and the Congregation changed the name of the Church from Apostolic Tabernacle to The Apostolic Lighthouse Church. Everyone in town could see and they noticed The Lighthouse shining its light for all to see, and that Light from that old lighthouse is still shining bright today!! Pastor Paul and Sis. Sue Carroll pastored from 1986 - 1998

  • Elder Paul Carroll November 18, 1954 - June 15, 2005

  • Sis. Sue Carroll May 29, 1953 - April 19, 1998

Elder Wayne and Sis. Linda Clements.

In 1998 Sis. Sue Carroll passed away with a form of cancer, and Pastor Paul Carroll felt that his time at the Apostolic Lighthouse was through. Pastor Carroll passed the Torch to Elder Clements. During the time Pastor Clements was here at the Lighthouse Church. Revival Continued, the Church was still continuing to see God move through the Congregation and through the city! During the time Pastor Clements was here, Pastor Clements and the Congregation was able to pay off the building and the land that the Church is still sitting on today! We are so thrilled about seeing the land being Paid in Full to the Apostolic Lighthouse Church!!! Pastor Wayne and Sis Linda Clements Pastored from 1998 - 2010.

  • Elder Wayne Clements July 3, 1943 - April 16, 2017

  • Sis Linda Clements is still a member of the Apostolic Lighthouse Church

Pastor Jason and Sis. Deborah Adams

Pastor Adams has been pastoring the Apostolic Lighthouse Church Since 2014 and is currently still the pastor!!

We are so thankful and truly blessed for the history and knowledge that our Elders before us instilled and taught the Apostolic Lighthouse. We would not be where we are today if not for our Elders leading the way and laying the foundation of truth in Paragould, Arkansas.

  • Elder Thrasher, Elder Carroll, Elder Clements and now Elder Adams!

And I will give you Pastors according to mine Heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. Jeremiah 3:15